Wednesday 12 December 2018

Cat Confidential #bookreview

Here is a great book for all cat lovers we'd love to tell you about.

Cat Confidential: expert advice on how to understand your furry feline by renowned cat counsellor Vicky Halls

From Amazon:

"You love your cat – and you hope your cat loves you too – but cats and their owners can often misunderstand each other. The cat says one thing and the owner hears another. Mostly, it feels right but, sometimes, something can go very wrong. How do you really know if your pampered pet wants a stroke behind the ears, or whether that insistent miaow is trying to communicate something more complex? If you’ve ever wondered why your cat does the things it does – soils in the house, picks a fight with the cat next door, feels nervous around strangers or destroys your furniture – then this is the book you have to read.
Renowned cat counsellor Vicky Halls has changed the lives of thousands of owners and their problem cats. Filled with intriguing case studies, amazing facts and practical advice, Cat Confidential answers all your questions so that you can understand your feline friend better. Fascinating, funny and heart-warming, it's your chance to explore the unique bond between you and your cat. Catisfaction guaranteed."

Cat Confidential review

Mum says she found this book really interesting and informative and it's definitely a must-read for any cat lover/parent.

Offering amazing insights into your cat's mind and lots of expert advice backed by real-life case studies, this is a book that deals with a wide range of common cat problems. Anyone who loves cats or has a cat or cats would be wise to own a copy.

About the Author

Vicky Halls is a pet behaviour counsellor and has spent over twenty years specialising in cats. Vicky also works on welfare projects with cat charities, writes and tutors cat behaviour courses and lectures all over the world to veterinary audiences. She is a registered veterinary nurse and qualified person-centred counsellor.

The author of a number of books for the general reader and co-author of veterinary textbooks and papers, her particular interests are the complexity of the modern cat/owner relationship and the welfare of unowned cats throughout the world. At home, she is a slave to the demands of Jean Patou, her Burmese.

Disclosure: We received a free copy of this book from the publisher to read and give a mention. We thought we'd share because we know our readers would love this book! The post includes Amazon affiliate links.


Eastside Cats said...

When was this book published? All I find is "Cat Confidential: The Book Your Cat Would Want You to Read" which was published in 2004, by Vicky Halls. I've put it on my to-read list!

Summer said...

This sounds like an awesome book!

pilch92 said...

That looks like a great book. XO

Catscue Catmom said...

Good find, thanks for doing the review - I'll check it out.

M Dawson said...

I know the lady's name from when we lived in England. She is a good cat writer and I am glad you like her book!

The Dash Kitten Crew

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

It's a reissue. It may not be available in the US yet, not sure.