Friday, 14 February 2025

With Love #CaturdayArt

As this post will be published on Valentine's Day at 10:30pm UK time, we're hoping you are having a lovely day wherever you are in the world. That's if you celebrate this special day, of course. 

For us, and for most of you animal lovers, there is nothing like the beautiful bond of pure love between a human and an animal furriend or furbaby.

Here's some pure love art, created in BeFunky.
Crayon GFX

Realist GFX

Pastel GFX

Original edited with BeFunky graphics and frame
Jigsaw preview121pieceCaturdayart15 02 25

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Just Saw A Birdie #SundaySelfie

Looking out the window, before naptime, I saw a birdie fly by and land on the rooftop of the house opposite. Mum was trying to take my Sunday Selfie at the time.

However, I do need my nap first, so I'll save the Birdie TV to watch later 😻

tabby cat side profile gazing out of window
We are joining The Cat On My Head for Sunday Selfies.

Friday, 7 February 2025