Thursday 12 February 2015

10 Ways a Cat and Her Human Mum Show Their Love For One Another

We know everyone is feeling the love this Valentine Week, but it's important to note (as we know many of you animal lovers do), that Valentine's Day is not only about romantic love. Why should it be? As a wise kitty goddess I am here to tell you that love, and certainly 'purrfect' love can be found with your adorable and adoring pets. So let us celebrate this beautiful love!
A photo posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on

As you can see, Mum and I are totally in love with each other. Here are some of the ways we show our love for one another.

1 Cuddles
We love to cuddle. Mum is always cuddling me. And because I love her I let her hug me tight. If I'm not in the mood I soon let her know though! Cuddles and Snuggles under the duvet on a cold day (and night) are just the best.
A photo posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
2 Purrs I purr all the time to show Mum how much she means to me and how happy she makes me. I also purr to calm her when she's stressed. This calms me too.
3 Eye gaze/slow blink We gaze at each other. A lot. And then I slow blink at her. Mum has learned to do this too back to me.
A photo posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
4 We listen to each other I let Mum talk to me when she needs to. Sometimes she needs to complain and she has a lot on her mind. She feels misunderstood a lot of the time by humans so she finds me far more understanding.
A photo posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
5 Take care of each other We always look out for each other and there is never a moment when we are not thinking of each other.

6 Play together We have lots of fun playing games, as you can see from this video below, and this one
A video posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
7 Sleep together We share a big bed and I love to snuggle up against her at night, especially when it's very cold. Sometimes I crawl under the duvet for a nice cuddle.
8 Heal each other My purrs heal my mum, but she also gives me Reiki healing which is great for me too.
A photo posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
9 Take lots of selfies together
A photo posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
10 I like to lick my mum's hand and arm, as you can see from this video.


CATachresis said...

Yep! There are many ways to show love to our humans. Mine loves it when I bring her a half chewed mousie!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, those are great ways to show love!

Summer said...

What a sweet Valentine post!

meowmeowmans said...

What a sweet and beautiful post. Those are such wonderful ways that you and Mum show your love for each other, Athena!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

This is beaitiful. So much love!
Lola and Lexy

The Whiskeratti said...

Clearly you take very good care of each other.

Sasha said...

what a lovely post. Cats are very good at looking after humans.

The Swiss Cats said...

So many ways to show love ! Happy Valentine's Day ! Purrs

Pawesome Cats said...

Great post - HappyValentines Day!