Sunday 3 September 2023

Next to Mum's Desk #SundaySelfie

It's time for my Easy Sunday nap but Mum's at her desk writing this blog post. Come on, Mum. Let's nap!
tabby cat in front of window shutters
tabby cat in front of window shutters
tabby cat in front of window shutters
We're joining our furriends The Cat On Your Head for Sunday Selfies. 

And we are joining our furriends Four-Legged Furballs and 15andmeowing for the Friendly Fill-Ins Hop. 


1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is ___________________________. 
2. If I won tickets to _______________________, I would give them away. 
3. I think that those who _________ should _________. 
4. When it comes to telling stories, I _________.

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is lots of cat food to donate to my local cat charity. 
2. If I won tickets to go on holiday, I would give them away. I don't travel anymore for many reasons.
3. I think that those who are cruel to animals should get a good dose of their own medicine. The same goes for cruelty to children.
4. When it comes to telling stories, I think I have a very vivid imagination but my descriptions always need a lot of work. I don't write stories anymore. These days it's just journalling and poetry.

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is lots of love, kindness and forever homes for kitties that haven't been as lucky as me in finding a forever home and family.
2. If I won tickets to anything, I would give them away. 
3. I think that those who create wars should have never been born.  
4. When it comes to telling stories, I just look at Mum and tell her I'm hungry to get her up and feed me.


Erin the Cat Princess said...

That is a most excellent idea and a most excellent selfie too. It is what I was doing just now in fact.

meowmeowmans said...

We sure hope Mum finished up that blog post, Athena. Napping is awesome! XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a pretty selfie, Athena.

Katie Isabella said...

Athena, tell your Mommy that my mommy said about the same thing for the third fill-in. My mom said also that she would have the abuser served with precisely and exactly what they mete out to the innocents.

Eastside Cats said...

Athena, all cats are good at convincing humans that they want food!

M Dawson said...

A stunning image of Athena. I love the way the light ctches the side of her furs!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie and I like all the effects. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you both win those things. And your mum is great with descriptive writing. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Great answers! I bet she joined you for a nap very shortly :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such pretty selfies sweet Athena, your stripes are amazing. Those were all good answers too.

Lone Star Cats said...

Napping sounds like a good plan to me!