Wednesday 12 February 2020

I'm a Lazy Girl #whiskerswednesday

Happy Wednesday!

According to Mum, I'm a lazy girl because I like to nap all day. Well, I am a cat, and we are meant to sleep up to 16 hours a day!

The photo below was taken when Mum got out of bed after our afternoon nap. She went downstairs to have a cup of tea and then came back up to work on her computer and tried to get me out of bed too.

I was having none of it!

Do your humans do that to you?

She wants me up more during the day because I keep her awake at night. She also says I don't play enough and that I need my exercise! Well, I do want to play, that's why I'm restless at night! Cats are nocturnal and so that's when we feel more alive 😻

tabby cat on the bed


Adopt a Cat 

This beautiful lady is POPPY and she is at Wood Green, The Animals Charity waiting for a new home.

"Poppy is a very friendly girl who is looking for a loving home to spend her retirement years in! She loves spending her days enjoying a fuss from people, and especially enjoys being brushed with her grooming mitten! Poppy is a little bit overweight at the moment so it will be great if she can have the opportunity to potter around in the garden."

 If you would like to rehome Poppy, please contact the Heydon Centre.
Photo: Wood Green

We are joining Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday and Dash Kitten, Bionic Basil, Barking from the Bayou for The Pet Parade

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tabby cat with tote bag

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Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is not nice to be disturbed, is it Athena.
I was lucky that Eric and Flynn slept right through the night mostly.
That was probably because our walks around the fields lasted anything up to 2 hours and tired them out.

The Island Cats said...

Why do humans think we're lazy when we nap all day? After all, we are cats and we're supposed to sleep 16 hours a day.

Eastside Cats said...

I just found this online, Athena:
Cats combining daylight activity with nighttime activity are commonly known as crepuscular.
When The Hubby and I go to bed, Da Boyz are zonked out asleep.
When we wake up, there are toys and stuff littered all over the floor, so they didn't stay asleep as long as we did!

Sandee said...

I've never had a kitty that kept me up at night. I guess I just got lucky. They would sleep on me and I hated to move because I didn't want to disturb them. I had one kitty that got up with I got up and went to bed with me when I did. Best kitty ever.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Summer said...

I don't get why humans think we should be on THEIR schedule! MOL That said, I sleep with my human - usually I go to bed shortly after she does, and I wake up around the same time as her. But that was MY choice.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Only getting up when you're ready is the purrfect answer!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mudpie is the same way! She sleeps most of the day, then is ready to play and do the rest of her stuff once I'm finally ready for bed!

pilch92 said...

I say sleep when you want :) Poppy is a cutie, I hope she gets a forever home soon. XO

Katie Isabella said...

Athena, I love the description of Poppy from the title right all the way through to the end...and she IS a beautiful Lady/

meowmeowmans said...

You're a cat, Athena. You should be able to do what you want. And sleeping sounds great to us! :)

We will share about Poppy!


Kathe W. said...

Lucy our sweet kitty wakes me up around 5am....and that's okay because she's a cat and I love her!

Lone Star Cats said...

Luckily, my momma's a nite owl too!

M. K. Clinton said...

We believe that you can never have too many naps! Pierre likes to play right before bedtime too.