Friday 27 October 2017

Flashback Friday on Instagram

Happy Friday!

Mum has been lazy in the Instagram posting department lately. Only two actual Instagram posts on my account this week and not just postings of my blog photos.

Yes, she is incredibly busy and I've noticed she hasn't been taking many photos of me either. Especially with her real camera and not just iPhone.

She does sometimes post on her own Instagram account though and so there are a couple new ones there for me to also share :)

Don't forget tomorrow is Caturday Art Day. I bet many of you will be posting your Halloween pics and we just cannot wait to see them!😻🦇

A post shared by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on
A post shared by Marie Symeou (@mariesymeou) on


Summer said...

Nice photos - but yes, it is frustrating when humans get busy doing non-cat stuff!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

Mum laps are the very best! Seeing as how we haven't managed to post even once on Instagram, you're doing WAY better than we are!