Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wordless Wednesday: Enjoying Kitty Grass


I love cat grass and here I am enjoying this one from VitaKraft. It's the one Mum always buys for me and she buys it from Amazon (£14.94 for pack of 6). It's a grow your own grass kit and it contains selected highly germinable special seeds that are good for your cat's health, especially for indoor cats like me. Mum grows it indoors and it only takes a few days to grow. I really love it!

vitakraft cat grass

Why is grass good for cats?

Cat grass contains high levels of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll and also helps with digestion. It contains folic acid, which is an essential vitamin for cats (and humans!), assisting in the production of hemoglobin, which is the protein that moves oxygen around in the blood. Mum buys her own version for humans - Naturya Organic Wheatgrass Powder 200 g Nutritional Power Food Pouch - because she does tend to be anaemic sometimes.

Why do cats sometimes thow up after ingesting cat grass?

Sometimes cats do regurgitate when they eat grass because they lack the necessary enzymes to break down vegetable matter. This actually helps eliminate all the indigestibles like hairballs from the cat's digestive tract. Also, being a natural laxative, grass helps cats get rid of those troublesome hairballs from the other end too! And we cats know how much better we feel after ridding ourselves of those!

So, dear furry kitty friends, do you love cat grass too?

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored to write this post. I just love this product and wanted to share. Contains Amazon Associates links. Full discloure

vitakraft cat grass

A video posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on


Summer said...

Binga loves cat grass - she also yaks it up!

The Daily Pip said...

I have always wanted to try this with Rosie. Thanks for a great review.

Furries said...

I'm not a fan of grass, but my goodness, you really had your nose in there chomping away! It must be yummy.

Lone Star Cats said...

Enjoy your grass!

Deziz World said...

Dat looks pawsum Athena. Me luvs kitty grass. Maybe a little too much. MOL

Luv ya'


Robin said...

You are a lucky girl, Athena! That cat grass looks yummy. :) Cinco and Manna enjoy cat grass too. The video of you chomping on the cat grass is super cute.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Well you did a pawesome job sharing it and it looks delicious!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I've never given grass to my kitties--thanks for sharing this and telling me more about it!

Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential said...

Mr. Cat is so obsessed with cat grass that he won't stop until he eats it all in just one time. If I try to take it away he will meow until I give it back. After a few minutes there's no more grass. So, I decided to give up on cat grass :(

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

I try to let her have only a little and then I hide it :)

Marie x

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

Mr. N doesn't believe in eating vegetation of any kind lol!

meowmeowmans said...

That's some great looking cat grass, Athena. We loved watching your Instagram video of you enjoying its deliciousness. :)

Hugs to you and Mum!

pilch92 said...

That is nice grass. Thank you for the sweet comment you left on the loss of my Spooky. XO

Unknown said...

How adorable! And an admission: My cats don't like grass. I have tried and tried it, and they either sleep on it or ignore it. I should send all of the grass to you!

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Neither of us here care for cat grass. We give it a good sniffing then turn away.