Wednesday 3 February 2016

Wordless Wednesday

You may remember that Mum has been trying to find wet cat food that I will like.  Well, after a long time searching, with lots of stress involved, she finally found one I do quite enjoy. As I mentioned in a previous post it's 16 x 190g Indoor & Sterilised Feline Tetra Pak Saver Pack Bozita Wet Cat Food 

I admit I do enjoy licking it. The jelly tastes lovely. I won't give in and eat the whole lot though, so Mum ends up throwing some of it away. I just don't want to give up my dry food just yet. But we have swapped our usual dry, which Mum says had too much rice in it, for Encore Cat Food Dry Mix 800g, Pack of 3 which I like just as much. Both are available from Amazon (UK), but Mum likes to buy Bozita from Zooplus

To keep this 'Wordless Wednesday' post short we thought we'd share this Instagram video of me enjoying my Bozita cat food. It's really tasty!

Disclaimer: I received no componsation for writing this post. However, this post does contain Amazon affiliated links. Full disclosure

A video posted by Athena (@athenawisekitty) on


The Daily Pip said...

I'm glad you have found a food you enjoy! Our cats will pretty much eat ANYTHING. Wish they were a bit pickier.

Disney Day by Day said...

Our cats will eat anything and won't stop. We have one that we have been trying to diet for awhile, nothing has seemed to work :)

Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential said...

It's great that you found food that you like! I don't have that problem with my cat - he pretty much likes any food.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I can tell you're enjoying that! I bet that makes your mum happy. My Abbey doesn't eat a lot of wet food, and we have tried so many different kinds. She will eat a little, but not much. She loves her dry food. But I would like her to eat more wet to get the moisture in it.

meowmeowmans said...

It sounds like you and Mum are making good progress on the food search, Athena. :) We loved your video!

Fur Everywhere said...

We're glad your mom has found a wet food you enjoy. Carmine is pretty picky about his wet food, too.

Summer said...

I'm glad you are moving farther into your canned food journey, Athena!

pilch92 said...

I am glad you have a food you really like.

Furries said...

Hopefully it won't be long before you're biting into that Bozita food. I like canned food, but it has to be smushy patΓ© and can't have any chunks in it.

Sasha said...

I like to lick at my jelly food too. Particularly when it is hot weather.

Sasha said...

I like to lick at my jelly food too. Particularly when it is hot weather.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Mum usually mashes it up for me.

Purrs xx