Saturday 12 December 2015

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday!

Mum loves snow. Me, I'm not really sure. To be honest I have only seen a thick blanket of snow only once in my 4-and-a-half years. It was during my first winter of 2011/12. When she saw all the snow falling Mum got all excited like a kid and took me for a walk in the garden. However, I was really puzzled and hated the way it felt under my paws. She immediately realised this of course and took me straight back indoors.  

These days Mum keeps complaining that we haven't had a proper autumn or winter in London for years as it's been too mild, and now it's almost Christmas and it's still too mild. Temperatures are in double figures she tells me. Like today it's 13 °C.

So what does a sweet kitty like me do?  Well, I decided I had to cheer Mum up so I suggested she add a wintery effect to my Caturday Art participation today. And so here it is. I'm just glad she didn't add a woolly had and scarf (it would have been a virtual hat and scarf but still, it would look so ridiculous on me!)

Is it snowing where you are?


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Summer said...

Well, Sparkle lived for 12 years without ever seeing snow! And if I get to see any, it will probably be when I am away from home.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Looking good with the snowflake effect , Athena !
We would like some snow for catmas over here too :)


Peaches and Paprika said...

Lovin' your snowflake effects, Athena and Marie! Happy holiday-Caturday! Can't wait to see all lthe Caturday art today!!!! Thanks for hosting this fun hop!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We know just what you mean by the mild temperatures. We likes the snowflake effect, it looks very Christmas.

CATachresis said...

I love that picture, Athena! You are always so elegant!! xxx


I love your snow Athena!

The Florida Furkids said...

Your snow is very nice....we don't expect to see any here in Florida!

The Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

It's not snowing yet - maybe in February!!! You look good in snow.

Cathy Keisha said...

Your Mom will like my art cos we added snowflakes. The only way TW likes snow is if it’s virtual. It’s gonna be practically 70 here this weekend.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Oh, I can surely commiserate with your Mom over warm December weather. We did have a 12 inch snow in November which melted in just a few days because it was too warm for it. They say we won't see snow here for awhile and Izzi (my dog) is very disappointed because she loves to run and jump in the snow. Sweet kitty to cheer your Mum up with fake snow ... it is better than nothing and I bet she is loving it :)

Andrea @ From The Sol

The Menagerie Mom said...

What a lovely picture, Athena! I love snow, too. I know it can be brutally cold and can make for treacherous travel, snow is nonetheless such a beautiful force of nature. I hope for a white Christmas every year, and sometimes actually get it! Purrs!

Kitties Blue said...

We love the color that your background turned your eyes. We bet we don't get any snow this year. It is in the low 70s F. Mom and Dad cycled yesterday, and Mom is going to swim today and tomorrow. It's crazy pants, but we are happy. We kitties do not like snow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

pilch92 said...

Great idea Athena and you look very pretty.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That is just gorgeous, Athena. We are feeling very snow-deprived too...temps in the 50s and in my neck of the woods, we *should* have snow on the ground by now!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

No snow and it is very warm here in Oklahoma, USA. Like warm enough to use the catio!
Now, it is raining cats and dogs. MOL!
We love your Caturday Art. Gorgeous!

When the Cat is Away said...

No snow although Mom is really longing for some - it's so dark. She doesn't know whether we like snow, so she's curious to find out.

The Swiss Cats said...

It's been snowing once in November, but all the white stuff is gone. We'll maybe get some snow in January. You look lovely with the snow effect. Purrs

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thank you all for your comments. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful wintery picture, Athena. I don't like snow, it's too ...white :D Pawkisses :) <3