Friday 14 March 2014

Fun Friday

This might not look that fun for humans, but we cats quite enjoy cleaning ourselves.

I started cleaning myself yesterday while my mum was snapping photos of me again. I soon grew quite bored with posing and started washing my paws.

As you can see it makes quite a nice picture!

Happy Weekend!

tabby cat cleaning her paws


Fuzzy Tales said...

Our human agrees that she doesn't particularly want to lick her own feet (gross), but hey, it works for us!

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Oh yes! That is a GREAT photo :-)
Happy Friday!

Sparkle said...

It's always important to get those spots between the toes!

The Swiss Cats said...

Between the toesies, yes, that's the place where the dirt hides ! Purrs

M. K. Clinton said...

A Goddess can never be too perfectly groomed! Awesome photo!

Lone Star Cats said...

I always start licking myself when my momma points a camera at me!


Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thank you for your comments

Have a purrfect weekend!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie