Saturday 8 June 2013

Caturday Art: Bestowing Blessings

No words needed here. But as a goddess I can do that. And I can purr with content and the vibration will make you so happy!

And some of the royalties will be donated to help other animals. Mun will always be grateful to the animal shelter that made it possible for us to find each other. Now she wants to give something back. She's always been like that. Loves to support animal charities and be an advocate for animals.

I love my mum.

*Print and paperback editions now available

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Karen Jo said...

It looks like an interesting book.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

can't wait to read it!

Kitties Blue said...

We'll check it out Athena. We like things that help other animals that have not been as fortunate as the rest of us. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette