Sunday 23 July 2023

My Best Side #SundaySelfie

So I've decided that this is my best side so I'm showing it off for today's selfie. 

But wait, my other side is just as lovely. I am after all a cat. Feline beauty is purrfect, right?

tabby cat side profile
tabby cat side profile
tabby cat side

We're joining The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

And we're joining Four-Legged Furballs & 15andmeowing for the Friendly Fill-Ins hop. 

1. ___________________ taught me that ______________________. 
2. I wish I could remember __________________________________. 
3. I could be convinced _________ only if _________. 
4. I had to delay _________ because _________.

1. Life has taught me that it's so f*****g hard. I'm just too sensitive for this world.
2. I wish I could remember my life before age four. I don't think I can, though.
3. I could be convinced to write more novels only if I was paid an advance. Writing novels takes a long time and it took years to write mine and I've nothing to show for it. 
4. I had to delay so many things that need doing because of grief. My brother dying suddenly at almost 52 has been a huge shock. It's been alost a year but I will never get over it. I get overwhelmed by everything and can barely function most days. But I try for my mum and Athena's sake.

1. Mum taught me that I can get anything I want from her. There is nothing she wouldn't do for me. I chose her well!
2. I wish I could remember my birth mother.  
3. I could be convinced that Mum is happy only if I knew she was. I make her happy though. I'm sure of it. There is nothing like pure soulmate love.
4. I had to delay my afternoon nap today because I had to help Mum with this post. 


BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

Mee-yow that ISS yore lovelee side Athena!!! Mew mew mew ....yore rite tho'! Yore purrfection from any side or angell....
Miss Marie wee are so sorry that yore GREEF iss so inntense. BellaSita an mee wundered if there iss Greef Counsellin where you live? Eether thru Hospital or Church or Outreach Place???
Wee understand how diffycult thingss are an wee wurry alot about you. An wee due not want you to suffer so much....
BellaSita Mum suggested you can allwayss email her or FaceBake Message her. Shee wuud 'chat' with you fore sure. Havin losted her Brothur, BellaSita nose sum of what you feel....
Mee sendss POTP an purrss BellaDharma
(((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

Katie Isabella said...

Athena...she knows how much you love her. It helps her each day knowing she has you to depend on. Som you do know she's happy when she looks at you. XXXX

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a gorgeous selfie sweet Athena. Big hugs to your Mom from all of us.

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie and effects Athena. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sorry you are in so much emotional pain. I understand about the novels. You are an excellent writer and deserve an advance to write, but publishing is such a hard game to get representation. It seems to be who you know and not talent based. XO

The Island Cats said...

Athena, you don’t have a bad side! You’re beautiful! And keep making your mom happy. Sending her many purrs.


Of course you look amazing Athena, as always.

meowmeowmans said...

well, yes, Athena. Every one of your sides is your good side!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That ia a beautiful selfie, Athena. I am sorry your mum is suffering so much emotionally and she is very lucky to help you. We all love you both.

Eastside Cats said...

I like the way your whiskers pop out from your fur background, Athena.