Tuesday 10 August 2021

Goodbye, Dear Paddy

We were so sad and sorry to hear that dear handsome Paddy O'Malley from Eastside Cats has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 

Rest In Peace PO'M

We are heartbroken for our furriends at Eastside Cats and they are in our thoughts at this sad time.

Sending love, hugs and purrs xx


Brian's Home Blog said...

We're totally crushed over that departure.

Katie Isabella said...

We are just knocked down by that leaving for the Bridge the PO'M had to do. I will never forget him.

Sandee said...

So sad, so very sad. ♥

pilch92 said...

I cried when I heard the news. XO

meowmeowmans said...

We were so sad to hear about Paddy's passing.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Yes it was very much a bad shock, and so heart wrenching for his family. At first I said some HBO words, and then I too cried. So unfair.
We made some mementos for him, too...