Sunday 20 January 2019

Friendlies and Selfies

Before we get to the Friendly Fill-Ins, here's my Sunday Selfies for today.

Sunday Selfie

Sunday Selfies

Sponsored by The Cat on my Head

Friendly Fill-Ins 

Hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15andmeowing

1. ____________________ and ______________ go hand in hand.
2. _____________________ makes my heart happy.
3. Don’t be afraid to _________.
4. If _________ was a sport, I would win hands down.

Marie's answers:
1. Writing and cats go hand in hand.
2. Sleeping and snuggling in bed with Athena makes my heart happy.
3. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and stick up for what you believe in.
4. If being depressed was was a sport, I would win hands down.

Athena's answers:
1. Mummy and I go hand in hand.
2. Being stroked and groomed by Mum makes my heart happy.
3. Don't be afraid to keep your human well-trained.
4. If getting my own way was a sport, I would win paws down.


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Thats lovely. The colours are so very rich and really warm up our cold day.
Toodle pips

meowmeowmans said...

Love your selfies, Athena. Your eyes are positively luminous!

Hugs to you and Mum!

Eastside Cats said...

Athena, you deserve to get everything your way!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a beautiful selfie, Athena.

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Beautiful selfies Athena! Good thing you keep your human trained - MOL!

Timmy Tomcat said...

You really do a wonderful selfie Athena

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie Athena. Thank you both for these great fill-in answers. I am sorry your Mum gets depressed often though. I hope you can give her lots of purrs and cuddles to make her happy. XO

Three Chatty Cats said...

As always, beautiful selfies!!

M Dawson said...

We love your selfie and sympathise about depression. It is horrible and it drags us all down from time to time.

Please hang in there * hugs *

Lone Star Cats said...

Great selfies!
I like to get my own way too.

Summer said...

I always love your selfies, Athena!

Valentine said...

Goddess you always look your very best! Keeping our human's trained is a daily endeavor, isn't it?! Tee hee hee. Winks.