Friday 6 January 2017

#caturdayart Fotosketcher Watercolour


Mum wants to apologize for not visiting your blogs and commenting lately. She's been busy and stressed, not just because of the silly season just passed, but she also says I've been a naughty girl too for demanding food all the time, so I'm making her more anxious because she's worried about me. The truth is she's put me on a diet because the vet said I should lose some weight and Mum thinks I'm looking a bit more rounded lately (tummy and bottom.) She can talk! Less of the chocs, Mum!

Stress makes Mum eat a lot. And it does me too. Have you noticed, Mum, that when you're stressed I am too?

Anyway, I like this art of me. I am beautiful close up, I know. The photo has been watercoloured with the FotoSketcher app.

caturday art

Cat Art
Cat Art
by Marie Symeou (affiliate links)
For Pets Only
For Pets Only
by Marie Symeou (affiliate links)

Join Caturday Art Blog Hop and Have Fun Creating! 

Simply edit photos of your pets or any animal using one of the many free photo editors available online - or any editing program you like. Enjoy creating and sharing your arty pet photos. It's a great way to find new blogging friends and followers!


Mariodacat said...

Ohhh, that is gorgeous. Yes, our humans get stressed, which in turn stress us out. When they are nice and calm, I am nice and calm. I was on Hills Metabolic Science Diet cat food for about a year. i really didn't get hungry between meals. Only you have to get it from your vet - I don't think it's available in stores. They want kitty to be monitored by a vet while on the diet and to help in determining how much you should weigh. i'm sold on hte diet, but after being on the food for so long, I built up an intolerance for it and was throwing up more (which is what I do when I'm any one food for too long). You might check it out with your vet. said...

You look gorgeous! Hope you feel better -- and your mom too!

pilch92 said...

I think you look gorgeous no matter what size you are. I eat when stressed too- and sadly, even when not stressed. XO

Summer said...

What a pretty painting effect, Athena! Tell your human to take time to have a few deep breaths a few times every day. It may not help whatever is stressing her out, but it will calm her down temporarily. My human has an app that helps her with that because she is stressed a lot herself.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

That is a gorgeous watercolor effect and it brings out your best features, Athena. I'd never heard of FotoSketcher before, but I ended up downloading it ... so thank you for sharing it with us. You are right, cats are very in tune with humans' emotions and Bear and I are both guilty of emotional eating.

Anonymous said...

You always look beautiful in every artwork, Athena and you don't look...big to me at all. We cats take over every mood of our peeps, just to show them how they feel...and even carry their burdens if they allow us. Hope your mom feels better soon, Athena. I'm sure you'll help her on that ;) Pawkisses for a stress free weekend :) <3

NatureFootstep said...

I like your water colored image :)

Sasha said...

you look very pretty with that effect.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It really shows up your purrty eyes.

Unknown said...

You are really beautiful up close, Athena. Good luck with the diet! I'm dieting too, starting...tomorrow :)

pam said...

Lovely image! I'm so busy too, I forgot to do an art pic this week!! I hope it's okay that I still linked! After all, Winston is a work of art, himself!

The Menagerie Mom said...

You look as gorgeous as ever, Athena! And tell your mom that this human here stress eats, too, especially this time of year. It's something I'm working on, that's for sure, especially since it can indeed affect the furbabies. Purrs and prayers to you and your mom, Athena!

Unknown said...

Athena your art is beautiful today! I stress eat also I try not to but sometimes I just can't help it.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thanks for that. I think Athena just didn't like the smaller portions. I gave her larger portions today like she's used to getting and she left some behind in her bowl so I guess she knows when she's full. She's on a low calorie diet anyway, with higher meat content. More exercise and playtime should do the trick I think! (for mummy too)

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thank you, Summer. I'll check out the app.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

I really don't want to burden Athena with my moods so I'll try not to get depressed in front of her. But she senses it anyway.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Yes, it's fine. Cats are art!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thank you for the purrs and prayers :)

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Life is just so hard sometimes :(


Athena you are looking quite beautiful in your artwork today! Which is always true of your lovely tabbiness. Mom says I am getting more round than I am tall but she is one to talk. She has been way stressed out and eating like a crazed person! Hopefully when (and if) things calm down she can change her bad habits for good ones.

Cathy Keisha said...

Gorgeous art. We can read our humans emotions and react to them. TW must be stressed cos she's eating a ton lately. said...

Lovely art, but then Athena always looks beautiful. We are big tabby fans here!
Wishing you a nice calm stress free weekend.

Maggie, and tabbies Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

The Florida Furkids said...

Your artwork is lovely. We like that effect!!

The Florida Furkids

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice effect ! Purrs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Lovely, lovely photo! Athena don't feel bad, my Mom is in weight watchers. Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Kitties most definitely pick up on our emotions! I need to work harder in 2017 on not letting myself get so stressed out...easier said than done!

Eastside Cats said...

'Raises hand' I'm a stress ester too! And I seem to pick up thr emotions if the people around me too. Chuck and Angel pick up on it all, of course.

Furries said...

That's a beautiful picture.
My mom realized that when she worries less about what she eats, she usually eats less because she's not thinking about food all the time. Just have to make healthier choices....fewer chocolates, more carrots. Luckily, I get to eat as much canned food as I want.