Saturday 24 August 2013

Caturday Art

Caturday cat art
Caturday Art

My mum's been playing around on Pixr again.

She says she loves creating art but is embarrassed that she isn't a real artist because she cheats using these programs. Well, I said to her 'if you enjoy it, Mum, then that's all that matters.' 

I really don't know why she always gets worked up over things. Especially small things! 

As a wise cat I can only offer my advice and hope she listens :)


Sparkle said...

These photo programs that are so-called "cheats" are actually pretty good! Sometimes even pro photographers play around with them, I hear. ;-)

The Island Cats said...

We think using those photo programs is still art because it still takes a good eye to put a picture together.

Kitties Blue said...

Mom and we think this photo is gorgeous. It doesn't matter to us how she created just that she did and it's really beautiful. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thanks for your comments. I agree with you all. And yes, professional photographers use them too and they are very talented.

And there is nothing wrong with using these programs. It's the 21st century and we must adapt to new technology.

I think that my mum always secretly wanted to be an artist (a painter) but ended up being better at writing!

But she is very creative (especially now that she has me, her muse!)

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful :) Pawkisses :)

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Sometimes the humans invent nice things (sometimes) and these programs are among them so it is nice to use them!
Lovely, playful pic =^.^=