Saturday 16 March 2013

Thank you for the award!

The wonderful Kitty Tales has nominated us for an award. Thank you so much! Mummy and I are honored :)

From Kitty Tales Blog 
"The Liebster Award is an award given by bloggers to fellow bloggers on the rise, but with less than 200 followers.  This certainly includes KT, as we have few followers, but the ones that we have are very loyal.

The rules are as follows: answer 11 questions posed by your nominator, post 11 questions to your nominees, post 11 random facts about yourself and nominate another 11 blogs meeting the afore stated criterion."

The 11 Questions posed by KT which Mum will answer.

1.   What made you want to be a writer? 
I've always written. At school my favourite subject was English. I started off writing short stories and song lyrics but I always dreamed of writing a novel one day.

2.   What is your all time favorite type of food.

3.   When did you have your first pet?
When I was about 10. I had a grey tabby cat called Tiger. 

4.   What is the one most important thing that you can/have learn(ed)  from an animal?
 To rely on my intuition. To live in the now. 

5.   Cats or dogs? Why?
I love both but I am truly a cat person. I've never had a dog as a pet, only cats. But I don't think that's the only reason. I just have this really deep intense bond with cats. I think it's because we are quite similar in some ways. 

6.   What is your favorite movie? 
Bram Stoker's Dracula. 

7.   What was/is your favorite subject in school? 
English. Quite liked art and history too.

8.   Would you rather ski down an icy slope or sit in the lodge by the fire and read a good book? 
Sit by a fire and read a good book (with my cat sat on my lap or nearby of course).

9.   What was your nick name as a kid?
Never really had one I think. Though I was always referred to 'the quiet one'. I still am!

10. What is your "pet" peeve? So many to list. I could go on forever.

11. If you could teach the world anything, what would it be?
To be more loving towards animals and to understand that they are sentient beings just like (most) humans. Animals have a lot to teach us and they are certainly more intelligent than people think. 

11 Random Facts about me (Mum answers again)

1. I hate summer. It makes me irritable and I hate all the insects and noise.
2. Sunshine makes my head ache and I'm sensitive to the light
3. I am music mad but really bad at playing an instrument. I sing though.
4. I used to be a vegetarian for many years but got scared into eating meat again a few years back when I became very anemic. I recently returned to vegetarianism but am making sure I eat the right foods so that it doesn't happen again.
5. Even though I was born, raised, and still live in the city, I feel very close to nature. That's where my spirit soars. I am a true nature spirit. One day soon I hope to escape London and move to the country. 
6. I tend to live in my head a lot. Most writers do I suppose. And yes, I'm an introvert.
7. I want to be a cat.
8. I love to sing though I don't do it much anymore. I always dreamed of having a career in the music business. Looking back, I think it was for the best that my dream never came true. 
9. I believe in reincarnation and really hope this is my last lifetime on Earth. 
10. I've never had kids so my cats are my children. Athena is like my little daughter. 
11. I am a certified Reiki healer.

Now here are our questions to the nominees:

1. What is your favourite colour?

2. What would you rather do, sit indoors in front of a warm log fire surrounded by your beloved animals, or lie on a warm beach alone?

3 What's your favourite music? Or favourite recording artists?

4. Any embarrassing moment from your past you would like to share. 

5. Top 3 favourite books?

6. Any famous person you wouldn't mind being trapped in a lift with?

7. The name of your first pet.

8. Has your pet ever done anything to embarrass you in public?

9. One thing that you think is wrong with this world?

10. What's your favourite movie involving animals?

11. If you had a time machine, where would you go?

And the nominees are:

Nerrissa's Life 


Animal Lover, Quilt Lover


Hannah and Lucy 


Prancer Pie 

The Naughty Kitty Club

House Panthers

Katie Isabella 

Katz and Other Tales


Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Oohhh.... THANKS SO VERY MUCH! So very, VERY MUCH!!!

To tell you the truth, I've already received the Liebster Award but... the graphics on this one are different and super-duper pretty so I'm very pleased to accept it once more. You know me... I LOVE THE BLING! Plus, I don't think I answered all those questions before so it's high time that I do now.

Again, THANK YOU!!!


Katie Isabella said...

Thank you Nerissa! I love it. I will do my best. And I loved learning more about you. xxooxx

Katie Isabella said...

I LOVED hearing your mommy singing to you, Athena. Isn't it wonderful how loved we are?

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you for nominating us, we are very honored. We enjoyed your Mom's answers and the chance to get to know her better.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Thank you ever so much for honoring us with this award and for stopping by our blog. We'll be back to check out pretty Athena! Have a great weekend.

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your award, Athena. We enjoyed reading your answers.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Concatulations! Mom liked English and Art the best in school :)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Congrats on your award and thank you for nominating us!

Unknown said...

Concatulations on your award. Keep up the good work that brought it to you. Mom says, that you and she seem to have much in common. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments.
Looking forward to reading the nominees' answers to our questions.

Athena and Marie :)

Ellen Whyte said...

thanks! We blogged today.

it's nice to meet you. We've put you on our visitor list.