Wednesday 29 August 2012

One of those days I hate...

Wasn't very happy this morning when I realized where Mummy was taking me.
She was taking me to the vet to get my annual booster shots. She told me that it needs to be done and she would take good care of me, but I was still scared. But Mummy said I was a brave kitty and all the kitties have to have it done too to keep us well.

I was very nervous at first, and then when I went into the waiting room there were a lot of dogs coming in and barking loudly as they always do. Just why do they have to be so loud? Not like us cat gods and goddesses, eh? I mean we are far more dignified to make so much noise, aren't we?

Anyway, it was OK, and I soon got used to the barking dogs who just couldn't sit still like me and the other cats in there.

We didn't have to wait long and it was soon over and we were back home safe and sound. Mummy gave me some treats and then I had a good wash and fell asleep.


Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Not so bad, eh?
You must have a nice vet like I do. That helps a lot!

Kat said...

I hear ya, Athena!
Mommy usually orders my vet prescriptions from 1800-pet-meds because I can't stand the car ride.... but when it comes to booser shots, I have to ride in the car.
Anyway, atleast you got some treats and nap time :-)

The Island Cats said...

We're glad everything went well for you at the v-e-t, Athena. Aren't you glad that's over now??

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww lovely Athena!! What a day!! But you were totally brave and fabulous!! Yay! Take care

Unknown said...

Trips to the vet are never fun, but some treats afterwards always help.