Wednesday 28 March 2012

Waking up and hugs from Mum

I like to sleep in my bed, on my mummy's bed, while she writes at the computer at her desk. She faces a wall and I only get to see her back, but it doesn't bother me because I'm asleep. But when she gets up from her desk to go downstairs I don't like to be left alone and usually follow her down. Sometimes though, I am too tired to get up and I like to give her that look with my eyes to make her stay!

"Don't go, Mummy!"

"Look at my sad eyes, Mummy. I want you to stay with me a bit longer"

'That's better. Safe in Mummy's arms"
(c) Copyright M. Symeou


Naz said... spoil princess you are..

Fuzzy Tales said...

Excellent strategy! We try that with our human as she's leaving every morning for her day-hunting, but unfortunately it doesn't work!

Becky said...

Oh koukla you are pretty.My kitties do the same.Have a purrrrfect Wednesday.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww beautiful Athena!!! Yay for mum's comforting arms! Take care

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Nothing like comforting arms of our mums!

The Island Cats said...

Oh how could she say no to your cute face?!?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I was going to say practically the same thing as The Island Cats...I could NEVER resist that face!