Wednesday 8 January 2020

It's a Wordless Whiskers Wednesday

brown tabby close-up

Hosted by Dash Kitten, Bionic Basil and Barking from the Bayou

Mum is heartbroken for all the animals lost in the horrific Australian fires. Please help if you can ๐Ÿ’š
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The tragic loss of human life, property, habitat and wild lives since October is truly heartbreaking and hard to comprehend. To everyone in or near fire zones across Australia today please stay safe and always follow local Fire Services advice. Amongst the heartbreak there are some brighter moments that provide hope for the future as we continue to rescue impacted wildlife. On Boxing Day one of the tireless RFS crews @hawkesburyrfd were able to rescue this koala mother and joey at Bilpin and escort them safely away from the fire front into care with WIRES. They so far doing well and are pictured here being transported to a specialist care facility for what is likely to be an extended period of time in care. Link in bio to donate to our ๐Ÿ”ฅEmergency Fund #nswfires #vicfires #newyear #wildlife #donate

A post shared by WIRES Wildlife Rescue (@wireswildliferescue) on

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Sandee said...

You are most beautiful, Athena.

I'm heartbroken about all the animals being lost in Australia.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Summer said...

What pretty whiskers, Athena.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Fabulous whiskers Athena!

We're heartbroken too about the anipals in Oz, there are no words to describe such a tragedy :(

Hugs to mew xox

Eastside Cats said...

It's an international crisis in Australia! I hope their are veterinarians from all over the world winging their way to help.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is a terrible disaster in Australia.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Athena, your whiskers are looking so great today for Wordless Wednesday. We hope that after this terrible disaster, we can figure out a way to prevent these fires from happening again. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
World of Animals

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Your whiskers are just gorgeous, Athena! We get tears in our eyes every time we see photos of the wildlife in Australia. It's so sad.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those whiskers are beautiful sweet Athena.

meowmeowmans said...

We love your whiskers, Athena! Our hearts hurt for the people and animals of Australia.

Katie Isabella said...

Mom can't even look at photos coming from there...her heart hurts for everyone and every animal.

M. K. Clinton said...

Your forehead whiskers are awesome!! My heart breaks for Australia.