Sunday 2 April 2017

Sunday Selfie: Crazy for Carrots


Do cats like carrots? 

Some cats get high on carrots. 

In fact, it's like catnip for some. 

 Here's what I mean...

Watch on youtube and subscribe to my channel!

Have a happy Sunday, everyone! 😻

 Here's my selfie for today 😺

Sunday Selfie in Black n White

Hosted by the Cat on my Head
Also joining Nola and Angel Sugar's Black and White Sunday Blog Hop


Peaches and Paprika said...

Well this is a FIRST! A carrot-loving cat, or should we say cat loving up a carrot! MOL! This reminds me of how I like to "love up" my human's hat when she comes home. - signed, Peaches the Cat

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh, you really do like those carrots! Your selfie is lovely.

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, Athena! Are those catnip-infused carrots? :)

Hugs to you and Mum!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oooh, well I never! Is that legal? MOL
Anyways I love your selfie this week, you look great in black and white... and no doubt in carrot orange too!
Purrs, ERin

Hairballs and Hissyfits said...

That is crazy!!! I have never seen anything like that before -- i was so curious i went and put out some carrots and not a single cat cared less!!

pilch92 said...

You are too funny Athena. I will have to leave some out to see what my cats do. XO

Little Miss Titch said...

hehehe it the sugar,xx Speedy

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful selfie, Athena! I have never seen a cat go crazy over carrots before :)

Summer said...

MOL! We're those carrots laced with nip?


Gorgeous selfie Athena!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I never knew that, Athena!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Years ago I used to buy my Angel Bobo a cat food that had carrots in it and he LOVED them. I think Halo cat food also has carrots in it so it isn't that unusual! catchatwithcarenandcody

Marvelous Marv said...

Hmmm...carrots....mes likes peas! Purrhaps mes should gives carrots a try. Thanks Athena!
BTW your selfie is beauteous!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great selfie Athena..You have a great long paw for selfies!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Anonymous said...

HHHMMM carrotsss?? Mee must try one! Katnip doess NOTHIN fur mee Athena...mew mew mew...
Yur lookin luvley purr usual mee furend.
***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You DO look cool and exotic!!

Ours are 'nip cats, sadly carrots are not the order of the day * sigh *

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Athena 'loves up' my bath towel :)

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Who knows? They might be :)

Eastside Cats said...

Chucky used to LOVE apples, but never carrots! Think I'll show your video to The Hubby; he'd never believe me if I simply told him that you like carrots, Athena!

Anonymous said...

OMCowKittiness, you sure do love carrots, Athena. You must have been a bunny in your former life...MOL :D Very cute! Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

Ida said...

How funny. I wonder what was in those carrots. Nice selfie.

Furries said...

No carrot reactions here. I did have a kitty who liked to play with big pieces of broccoli stems.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

We love that video of you, Athena! Bear couldn't care less about carrots. But my Angel Kitty was a produce fiend. Any time I chopped onions, she'd be at my feet. And any time I cleaned out or re-organized the produce drawer, she'd rub up against all of it - but especially bagged salad and melons. I have some photos of her and the salad ... I would've never believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!

Unknown said...

Boy, you're not kidding about those carrots! My dogs love them, but I'll admit that I've never tried them with my cats. I should!

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie