Friday 24 March 2017

#CaturdayArt : Moody in the Sunlight

Happy Caturday! 

How can anyone be moody in sunlight, I hear you ask? Only vampires maybe, right? And my highly sensitive Mum. 

But why would a beautiful goddess feline like myself be miserable when the sun shines? 

I'll tell you why. My Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease didn't go away. It did for a few days and then it came back. I keep wanting to use the litter tray to pee and only a small amount comes out. 

I finished my Cystease tablets, which helped for a while, and the Metacam, and Mum thought I was over it. But the last few days it came back and Mum panicked, making me panic even more. So today, Friday, I went to the vet again. Horrible experience. I wanted to escape from my carrier. I got angry at Mum. Then there was a big dog who came up to my carrier and stuck his big face right at me. Luckily his owner, who said he was harmless, pulled him away. Mum told her I wasn't used to dogs, which is true. But talk about invading my personal space!

The vet thinks I have an infection and so gave me an antibiotic injection which lasts 2 weeks and more Metacam, along with another 10 days supply of Cystease. Let's hope this makes me better.

Anyway, just so you know, these photos are not recent, but Mum found them on her computer and decided to tart them up a bit for Caturday Art. They were taken at the window, with bright afternoon sunlight streaming in so I'm screwing up my eyes. The photos were over-exposed so Mum had no use for them. But she thought she'd try doing something artsy with them, so here they are. And I look quite moody on them, which suits my mood purrfectly this week 😾

Moody in the Sunlight Caturday Art

Moody in the Sunlight

Moody in the Sunlight Caturday Art

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Join the Caturday Art Blog Hop and Have Some Fun!

Simply edit photos of your pets or any animal using one of the many free photo editors available online - or any editing program you like. Enjoy creating and sharing your artsy pet photos. It's a great way to find new blogging friends and followers!

Cat Art
Cat Art
by Marie Symeou (contains Zazzle affiliate links)
Spring Collection
Spring Collection
by Marie Symeou (contains Zazzle affiliate links)


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Your artwork is gorgeous and you definitely look moody...for good reason too! Have you ever tried D-Mannose? It comes in powder form and mixes right in your wet food. It's something you can take everyday to prevent those nasty infections from taking hold. Angel Tara used to take it because she got a lot of UTI's thanks to her diabetes, and it proved to be very successful!

catladymac said...

Purrrs for you to get ALL better, Athena !

Summer said...

What a bummer your FLUTD came back, Athena. :-( I hope the antibiotics help.

Louis the Blogging Dog said...

Beautifur photos! I have all 4 paws crossed that you will soon be well.
Yur Furend
Louis Dog Armstrong

Cathy Keisha said...

Love your art! I'm sending healing purrz that the nasty infection goes away.

pam said...

Oh no, I hope you get better fast!

meowmeowmans said...

We're so sorry your FLUTD came back, Athena. We hope the antibiotics and Cystease make you all better this time.

We love your artwork. You DO look purrfectly moody.

Hugs to you and Mum!

pilch92 said...

These are beautiful photos of you Athena. I am sorry you are still not well, you have such a good Mum to make sure you got more medicine so don't be mad at her. XO

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We hope you feel better real soon Athena!!!

The Menagerie Mom said...

Oh, Athena, we are sending you lots of purrs and prayers. We hope your FLUTD decides to go away and stay away very soon. Also, we love your art. Moody or not, you are gorgeous!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

Poor Athena! Most of the time, the emotional connection between Bear and I is a blessing ... but there are times when one's panic leads to the other's. Luckily, snuggles and a few treats usually makes it better. We hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry your FLUTD came back, Athena and we understand that it really affects your moods. The pictures are beautiful, we especially love the first one. Healing Pawkisses are on the way and hope you feel better soon <3 <3 <3

bichonpawz said...

We are sorry to hear you aren't feeling too well and we are sending prayers that you feel better real soon! We love the effects on all these pics! We also really love the idea of an artistic blog hop! Thank you for letting your canine friends join also! Xo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Athena, I hope you're feeling better soon! We're sending you purrs :) Your photo art came out great. I like the first one especially. It's amazing what you can do with a not very good photo.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Haven't tried it but will check it out. Thanks :)

lorraines resources and rewards said...

oh I hope you feel better we know how it is going to the vet not fun. Your art is always beautiful try not to stress music helps to relieve stress try playing soft music. We are sending zen hugs and healing purrs your way to help you get better and get plenty of reat and drink lots of water and that's goes for your mom too.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

So sorry Athena ... there isn't a woman alive that doesn't know that discomfort. Antibiotics will do the trick (I'm surprised they didn't start out with them. We will expect a full report on your recovery next week ... and even with squinty eyes, you are beautiful :)

Andrea @ From The Sol


OH my Athena I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well and you had that bad encounter at the Vet. WE hope that you are well rested and doing much better today. Your artwork is gorgeous as ever and we purr you are on the mend.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Sweet Athena, we feel awful that you are not feeling well. Praying you are on the mend soon!!! xoxo Love your artwork!!

Peaches and Paprika said... sorry to hear this Athena. And to think that on top of it that intruder D-O-G has to disturb you. Mouses! Healing wishes that the antibiotics will work soon!

The Florida Furkids said...

Carp....we hope you feel better soon. Your artwork is great even though you don't feel well.

The Florida Furkids

Kitties Blue said...

Athena, we are so sorry that you had such a bad vet experience. Even though our vet has a separate waiting room for kitties, we have to go through the dog room to get to it, and those woofies can be so rude! We'll be purring super hard that this round of medications helps you and you get better super fast. We are sending POTP, and Mom will add you to her prayers. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

Furries said...

Beautiful artworks. I hope you're feeling better soon.