Monday 19 September 2016

Talk Like A Pirate Day (or meow!)

We always miss Talk Like a Pirate Day and I asked my mum why that is. She just said she forgets as she is busy writing posts for two blogs. Well, I told her we have to post something pirate related at least. So Mum thought of  the Pirates of the Caribbean theme music by Hans Zimmer because it's one of her favourite movie soundtracks. She also loves the Dutch band Epica and so if you read to the end of this post you'll see that we've shared a video of the band performing a live version of it from YouTube as well as a live video of Hans Zimmer performing a medley from Pirates of the Caribbean.

I also asked Mum to make me into a pirate and so here I am! 

Talk like a pirate day


The Whiskeratti said...

You make a very pretty pirate.

The Swiss Cats said...

Your mom did great ! You're a pretty pirate ! Purrs

Eastside Cats said...

Some grog for Athena!

Three Chatty Cats said...

Wow, you make one good lookin' pirate!

Fran said...

I like it. Thanks for the music tip.

pilch92 said...

Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Love that!!!!! My Mom used that same template a few years ago for herself! lol. Pssst: we work on two blogs too but Mom is awful about posting on Dakota's so it's all good! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

Kitties Blue said...

Arrrgh, Athena, ye be one fierce pirate. Have you found any buried booty? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

meowmeowmans said...

Ahoy! Ye be making a fine pirate, indeed, Athena! Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

Athena, you make a magical and classy pirate!

Deziz World said...

You are a gawjus pirate Athena. We think your Tuesdays posty is pawsum, too.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Athena mew make a pawesome pirate and are welcome aboard The Crimson Revenge with me and me motley crew anytime! Arrrrrrrrr.....

Bestest pirating purrs

Cap'n Basil Blackheart & the crew XOX

Robin said...

So fun! You make a great pirate, Athena. :) I like the soundtrack from Pirates of the Caribbean too.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thanks for your comments everyone and hope you all had a great pirate day!