Monday 5 November 2012

Not afraid of the fireworks but...

I must say that I'm a bit scared of dogs. 

Though it's Bonfire Night here in the UK and there are fireworks exploding everywhere outside I don't feel scared or nervous. 

But there is something more sinister out there, or there was last night and I hope they don't come back tonight because I couldn't sleep. 

I heard dogs barking. In the distance, but for me they were really loud. Stupid dogs because they kept us awake. Mummy says it's not their fault but she blames the humans that left them outdoors. 

Mummy, what's out there?
 Well, since I didn't sleep last night I had a good long nap this afternoon as you can see.

But when I woke up I was still a bit nervous. I heard a noise and was a bit worried. 

Hope those dogs don't come out tonight.


Cherry City Kitties said...

We sure hope those doggies know to stay away. You shouldn't have to be scared in your own house!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Athena!! Awww you are safe with mum, don't you worry now! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

We hope the dogs stay inside too, for your sake. We have lots of them around here, and most of them are VERY barky, one in particular, a big dog, not trained, mostly ignored. Very sad.

The Island Cats said...

We hope those dogs don't bark anymore. We have a neighbor doggie...she's small...almost as small as us...but she likes to bark a lot!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Paws crossed for a peaceful night! We don't like fireworks at ALL.

Katie Isabella said...

Honey..kisses all over your sweet face and I'll wash your ears too. Don't worry. I am pointed in my tunnel ready to launch your way.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Athena not all dogs are stupid. I have a Sheltie brother who barks quite a bit but he is a loving and sensitive dog. He licks me all the time. I think it is the owners who are stupid, not the dogs

Naz said...

poor you..

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Cody - Yes, that's what my Mum said, that she blames the humans, not the dog! I didn't mean anything by it. But I'm a cat and I was angry!