Friday 31 July 2015

#Giveaway Win A Pet Tarot Reading

It's that time again, time for Mum and me to tune into our psychic skills and give a free pet tarot reading to one lucky pet.

Remember, ALL PETS ARE WELCOME to enter for a reading. NOT JUST CATS!

As you can see, I assist Mum with the readings...

Tarot Cat

 Mum is going to use her new cat tarot deck for the readings.

The winner will by notified by email and you can then give Mum the info she requires, such as the name of your pet and a photo. You will receive the reading by email, and if you like, you can agree to have it published here on this blog. But that is entirely up to you.

These are the questions that will be answered in the reading:
  1. Is there anything in my pet's past my pet would like me to know about? How is my pet's past affecting him/her now?
  2. Is my pet trying to tell me something? How does he/she feel at present? 
  3. What does my pet require from me and is there anything I can do to make his/her life better?

***Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. If you suspect your pet is unwell, please seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible.***
Assisting Mum with Tarot Readings

So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning a reading for your pet? 

  1. Please enter email address in Rafflecopter below.
Good luck!

Tarot of the Pagan Cats
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Shortly before she died, Sparkle started reading tarot cards... I haven't felt particularly mystical, though.

    1. You have so many other gifts, Summer. But who knows, maybe one day...

  2. I tried to enter - didn't work?

    1. It worked. Though I don't know why they changed it. It was much easier to enter before!

  3. I entered, but not sure if it worked!

    Those are one of our favourite decks of Tarot :D


    Basil xox

  4. Here's my email (what a great thing!). I don't know Leonardo's date of birth or even the month though; does that matter?
    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  5. Hannah and Lucy are rescues and the only information I have is that when I adopted them both they were "about" 6 months old does that matter?

    1. That's fine. I don't need to know anything other than the pet's name and a picture would helpt too. Of course, I will let the winner know about what info I need before the reading.

  6. We've won in the past, so we won't enter this time...but we think whoever wins will be delighted with a reading.

  7. I would love to win. I want to know why Snowball still fears us after 2 years- except when she is hungry.

  8. We tried to enter but the address wouldn't go though. Our email is

    1. I've added you. Anyone else that can't enter please send your email to mariesym6(AT)gmail(DOT)com and I'll enter you.

  9. Mom would so like to win this for Astrid. She has become her heart kitty, but she is still trying to figure her out. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. Marie, I've entered my email address and see a tick, I suppose that means it worked? Rafflecopter isn't very clear is it? xxx

    1. Yes, it worked :) Rafflecopter never used to be so complicated.

  11. I couldn’t enter my email either and I really want to enter. stunningkeisha (at) hotmail (dot) com.

  12. Like the Island Cats, we (Gracie) won an awesome reading before. We want others to have a chance at winning, so we're just wishing everyone good luck! :)

  13. I couldn't enter my email address either but I'd like to enter Annabelle and we can be reached at ManxmnewsATgmailDOTcom.

  14. I couldn't enter my email either but I still got a tick when I clicked enter.

  15. We tried to enter.... didn't actually get to enter our email but it seemed to go through.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie